We're here to help

The world of spacecraft flight software is filled with "haves" and "have nots". It's not easy to get started in any type of system software and the challenges of space stack many additional layers of complexity. If your company doesn't have a deep bench of programmers, you're in for troubled times. We're on a mission to boost the team you have.

Our Goals

  • Evangelize NASA's free, flight-proven, open-source "Core Flight Software" architecture
  • Build on their success with the infrastructure and training you need to be successful
  • Create a community of Apps and Tools that solve common problems

The Team

Open Mission Stack was started by Dave McComas (Dave McComas) and Dr. Bill Tandy (Bill Tandy). Dave's 30+ year career as a software engineer at NASA included being one of the original core Flight System team members and a strong proponent of its open-source status. Since his "retirement", Dave has helped students & companies around the world adopt CFS. The high demand on his time made it clear that a formal organization was needed.

Bill spent 15 years at Ball Aerospace working just about every discipline, eventually becoming a Mission Architect creating new concepts and teams. Time and again, flight software was shown to NOT be a solved problem. Later, as the Sr. Mission Architect at Blue Origin, the struggle for a comprehensive software architecture and finding the experts to implement it drove him to find (and fall in love with) Core Flight Software.

We're privileged to be networked with flight software experts throughout the industry that generate ideas and help us review things. We hope you'll join us in growing the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we hire you?

You can hire us for events such as software architecture reviews, compliance reviews, and on a limited consulting basis. At this time, we are not providing support for full-time contracts. Contact Bill Tandy to start the conversation.

What flight computers do you recommend?

We'd love to help you but we're not hardware specialists. About the best we can suggest is you get a board capable of running a real-time operating system that's designed for the space environment. We also suggest you get a board that has robust simulator support.