Hello, World

We started Open Mission Stack for the same reason we started Space Steps and OpenSatKit. Space is an exciting industry to work in but finding the information to do your job can be difficult, even for veterans. Even "Big" aerospace companies struggle with infrastructure and a lot of knowledge is so-called "Tribal Knowledge" passed down verbally from person to person. So we're going to plug away at creating infrastructure and tools and apps to help you get things done.

This blog will be updated infrequently. We've got a lot of things we want to work on so we've got to use our limited time efficiently. Even still, we invite you to reach out to us and make suggestions on what you'd like to see. Maybe even offer to help write an article or two. We'd be pleased to be useful to the community and even more pleased to help you be useful to the community.

All the best,
-Bill and Dave