App: Telemetry Output Lab

Note 1: We're working on updating the videos. In the meantime, go ahead and turn up your volume.

Note 2: This video covers a few of the apps NASA includes with their software. You can skip around to the app you care about.



Getting data out of your system when it's in the lab can be surprisingly complex sometimes. NASA has solved a big part of the problem for you by providing the Telemetry Output "Lab" app.


The Telemetry Output Lab App

The app does pretty much what you'd expect: It sends packets of data to you. There are some things to consider, though:

1. The app can send data but it can't receive commands from you. If you want telemetry, you either need to schedule it using the "Schedule Lab App" or you can command your system to send you data with the "Command Ingest Lab App".

2. The output is sent over a UDP/IP port, which is usually an ethernet port. If you'd like, you could modify the port to be just about anything. This port can be the same port you send commands on.

This "Lab" app is not meant for flight. It lacks some robustness and it's written to write to an ethernet port. However, modifying the app to be a "Flight" app is not that much of a stretch, especially if you study the "non-lab" version.

Also worth noting: NASA wrote a special "Ground System GUI" tool in Python to help you use the Telemetry Output Lab App right from the start. (The tool sends commands to your system via the Command Ingest Lab app.) The link for that tool is When you use the tool, you'll have to update it if you create any new message packets so it knows what to do with them when it receives them.


Quick Notes

- The Github direct link to the lab app is here:

- The "non-lab" version hasn't been updated in a few years. It likely won't work as-is with the latest version of cFS but you can learn from it:

- In the code, "Telemetry Output Lab" is shortened to "TO_LAB". The non-lab version is shortened to just "TO".